It has been a while since I heard anything about that age old, cartoon icon Mickey Mouse. Not since I last played Kingdom Hearts back in 2006, which was an AWESOME game considering it was the the most odd fusion of two totally different art styles, characters, world, and setting ever thought of in human history. But regardless of being an odd mix of Square Enix and Disney it was a beautiful story matched with even a reasonable explanation on why those two worlds clashed. It held some of my most memorable experiences in my life of gaming and held some amazing charm. Its sequel didn't give me the same "wow" feeling when I beat the game but was just as good with the addition of a greatly improved combat system.
So now on to Disney Epic Mickey.
In Disney Epic Mickey, Mickey is the star of the show and apparently caused some trouble in the dumpster of the cartoon world known as Wasteland. So then after getting kidnapped by some blob thing he is forced to fix what he unknowingly screwed up. It looks interesting enough and if only I had a Wii I would pick it up. Check out the Review at IGN and see what you think of it>>>
Disney Epic Mickey Review - Wii Review at IGN
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